
English translation for my comic

当記事は、http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48626052 の英翻訳記事となります。

Dear tika,
I wrote the translation directly into the image, so click the image below and it will pop up as large images. I hope my English makes sense. Ask me if you have questions.

There are two things I couldn't translate properly because there was no English word for it.
1. 「兄さん」is a word used to call your big brother in Japan. But I know people call your brother by first name usually in English speaking families. So I used "Akito" instead.
2.The charm Senri's talking about, I think it only exists in Japan, so I translated just the meaning of it. It's something like Bibbidi-Babbidi-Boo.

Hope you enjoyed this!

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